I'm Srinivas

Software Engineer at Nextuple Inc.
Love to solve problems and build products | Avid Traveller

About Me

Hey there! I am currently working as a full stack developer at Nextuple Inc. My main skills are Java, Spring boot, React Js, MongoDB, Apache kafka.

My Work Experience

my projects

My Skills



Spring boot


React Js




My Achievements

iB Hubs Startup School'18

iB hubs startup school is conducted every year to promote startups. Our idea Travel India got selected for this programme as one among the 25 start-ups among 250+ start-ups that have applied for the programme. In this programme I learnt all the business aspects required for a startup to succeed.


I was among top 50 members out of 2k+ participants in this hackathon conducted by Hackerearth. In this hackathon, I have created the games arena website where one know all information regarding games of different genres and platforms.

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